ConnectUP Announces Partnership with Indian Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD)
Wharf Street Strategies is partnering with Indian Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD) to come together and introduce green and sustainable projects via ConnectUp.
About ConnectUP
Connect Up is the world’s first EdTech Social-Media decentralized networking platform built using blockchain protocols developed by Wharf Street Strategies. Connect Up will support social networking, content sharing, skill development, sustainable activities, point system, token monetization, and internships.
Supported by Blockchain Technology users will have control over their data and rule out the threat of user manipulation. With its decentralized consensus mechanism Connect Up ensures complete privacy, authentic profiles, and better connectivity.
ConnectUp will connect students, schools, colleges, corporates, organizations, international institutions, and different stakeholders on a single platform.
About IISD
Indian Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD) is registered as a National Not-for-Profit, Independent Public Policy Think Tank and Scientific Research Institute at New Delhi, with an objective of working for ensuring overall improvement of lives and living of Common Man, through Research Innovations and engaging with Communities at grass-root level. IISD strives to put India into a Sustainable Path that is Inclusive and Equitable, involving People, Planet and Business.
About Partnership
Rapid advancements in technology, science, and innovation coupled with accelerating economic activity and global mobility are generating new forms of prosperity. Yet environmental crises are on the rise. Partnerships, collaboration, and public engagement are the greatest need of the hour. New approaches must anticipate the future, co-create pre-emptive responses and cultivate effective public participation to achieve Sustainable Development.
ConnectUp is the first social media platform to support green projects and participate in the world goal of controlling carbon emissions by working on the ground level through its stakeholders which includes corporates, students, and institutions. With its innovative model of connecting all its stakeholders, ConnectUp helps to look ahead to new technology, system of business and education, and a new way of building professional relationships.
Sustainable development is often thought of just in environmental terms, a way of ensuring that natural resources and systems are protected and maintained for the benefit of future generations, clean air and water, functioning ecosystems, and a safe climate to name a few. Yet sustainable development is also about economic and social sustainability.
Making sure that our financial and economic systems work well, honestly, efficiently, and equitably, that people are well connected, have access to education, opportunities, good health, and live in well-governed and managed urban environments. These are also key reasons why sustainable development matters.
Together with IISD we will introduce Sustainable Development to all aspects of a community’s economic, environmental, and social needs and seeks to find a smarter way to do things that not just allows future generations to live as well and as productively as we do in this generation but better!
Wharf Street Strategies is establishing ConnectUp as a platform to drive sustainable development in a completely new and innovative way. We seek to accelerate India’s growth by allowing corporates, students, and institutions to come together to build, invest and share in the benefits of sustainable infrastructures; such as participating in projects, getting connected with other stakeholders, exploring opportunities, getting experience, free courses, building profile, finding & hire the right candidate, host bounty campaigns, Create posts, host webinars and Earn $CUP Tokens.
We seek to ensure that no one gets left behind in the technology transition that will shape India’s future and aims to bridge gaps and bring all stakeholders together.
Together we will work to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out by the United Nations in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and help to ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity by promoting sustainable development and fostering innovation through Blockchain technology and the creation of a new cryptocurrency to enable benefit sharing across stakeholders.
For achieving our goals, we need effective collaboration between the public and private sector and civil society on a local, regional and global scale. That’s where ConnectUP comes in providing a new way to help us achieve this sustainable future by connecting them all together and creating processes that generate engagement with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the level of stakeholders everywhere.
To motivate such a commitment, we need people to understand the multiple benefits that will result from a successful implementation of all SDGs for their own lives, their families and communities, nations, and for humanity, and the community of life as a whole. The future we want has to be co-created by us!
We are determined to mobilize the means required to implement this through our Partnership for Sustainable Development. Meeting the needs of the current generation to live a productive, safe and fulfilling life while not compromising the ability of future generations to do the same.
Follow us to stay tuned!
- ConnectUP Team
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